These books make use of widely available and can involve recycled materials to create a world of delightful characters including fairies, fantastical creatures & aliens.
ISBN-10 : 1-86108-462-5, ISBN-13 : 9781861084620, Pages : 156, Dimensions : 210 x 210mm, Photographs : 210 photographs, Binding : PB with flaps
Wrapping with yarn and pipe cleaners - make over 30 projects with a natural theme, Fairies & Friends, Homes & Hide Aways to learn finger or cardboard wrapping pompoms. Fully illustrated with easy to follow instructions, make up unique projects with readily available craft supplies and tools.

Characters are poseable and can be played with.

Instructions include:
- Colour photographs and drawings of characters and models.
-Step by step illustrated instructions staging the building process.
- Projects have lists of materials for all parts of the project.
- Clear and easy to understand format for construction method. - -Measurements are listed in both imperial and metric.


Step-by-step drawings of the weaving and shaping process provides specific illustrated areas to apply thread into the wool forms. 3 - dimensional weaving combined with scissor carving or trimming develops a subtle surface on the final appearance of the models. Not all of the projects include making and carving pom poms, some contain pipe cleaners or chenille stems only.



Pom poms produced by wrapping yarn onto fingers or cardboard, can be made up into playful character or homes and accessories. Scissors shaping perfects definition in your design.

The 3-D weaving technique enhances structure and strength of the designs, and also defines specific areas of the design to create exactly what you imagine. Projects involve wool, thread and easy to find craft & sewing needles.

Un-pick an old sweater to re-cycle the thread, and re-use it to make up your unique projects.

    Creepy Creatures is another book with same techniques.  